
Category: Uncategorised

Threat Hunting with Jupyter Notebooks To Detect Advanced Threats: Part 2 – Setting up Custom Queries and a Example Host Investigation Notebook

Welcome to part 2 of the threat hunting with jupyter notebook series, If you followed part 1 you should be setup and able to query MDE in a jupyter notebook using msticpy. Now lets do the exciting part, lets build some custom queries and use them to investigate a host for suspicious activity and put […]

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Stopping Blue Teams From Obtaining Payloads Via Browser Based Virtualisation Detection and HTML Smuggling

Introduction Red Teams and malicious actors will likely have faced the challenge of not only getting a user to click on a phishing link to deliver a payload but also ensuring that this stays undetected by blue teams. They will likely need to bypass proxy filetype based detections combined with utilising social engineering the user […]

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Using a database of 100 million+ breached passwords to secure a Linux server/Endpoint for an SME

Using a database of 100 million+ breached passwords to secure a Linux server/Endpoint for an SME

With the NCSCs newly recommended best practices involving having a banned password list and Microsoft recommending and even implementing their own ability to do so for any users subscribed to azure Active directory this shows how important a banned password list can be to an organisation. See more about Microsoft new recommendations here and their […]

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